Navigating social media marketing in an election year Sprout Social Brought to you by Google News. Read the rest of the article here … [Read more...]
11 AI marketing tools your team should be using in 2024 – Sprout Social
11 AI marketing tools your team should be using in 2024 Sprout Social Brought to you by Google News. Read the rest of the article here … [Read more...]
Meet Harpoon, the Social Media Firm Changing the Landscape – Hollywood Reporter
Meet Harpoon, the Social Media Firm Changing the Landscape Hollywood Reporter Brought to you by Google News. Read the rest of the article here … [Read more...]
How Social Media Marketing Can Help Your Business Thrive
The traditional marketing model was to get as many eyeballs on your product or service's message as possible and hope that a percentage of customers purchase. Yellow pages, radio advertising, direct mail, television commercials, magazine ads, etc.. … [Read more...]
How to Avoid These 7 Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes
What has always been the most effective way to generate new business? Referrals from existing customers to their friends and families. Creating raving fans who sing your praises to others is both the least expensive and most productive form of … [Read more...]
Five Ways Social Media Marketing Can Earn You More Money
Social Media Marketing is THE way that most savvy marketers convey their message to an insatiable, hungry audience. If you're not using social media marketing platforms like Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, iTunes, Twitter or WordPress, your … [Read more...]
Six Cardinal Rules for Success in Social Media Marketing
You've heard everyone talking about how powerful social media is for marketing your business. How if you're not using it to market your business you're stuck in the 80's. So you go out and create a Face Book page, open a LinkedIn account, start … [Read more...]
4 Steps to Success in Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing is now an essential component of any business's marketing plan. Anyone with a product or service that needs promoting can turn to Social Media Marketing to introduce, share, gain feedback, engage with consumers and ultimately … [Read more...]
Social Media Marketing Guide for Beginners
Social Media Marketing is the process of gaining attention and web traffic through the social media sites. During this process, usually creative content to reach the masses through publicity coming from a third-party trusted source needs to be … [Read more...]
Social Media Marketing Trends You Should Not Ignore
The success of social media marketing lies in the right mix of fruitful strategies. The wrong combination will simply reduce the traffic from targeted customers rather than attract them. If you devise your social media strategies such as social media … [Read more...]